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"Not a Physicist. Not an Engineer. All he knows is what he’s not. If only he could see what he is.”

Andrea Bucci studied Engineering Physics at Politecnico of Milan (Milano, Italy) and at KTH (Stockholm, Sweden). He got his M.Sc. in 2019 with a thesis entitled “Extended Parallelization of the Illumination in Optical Nanoscopy”. After his graduation, he worked for 6 months as a student intern at KAUST.
Since 2020, Andrea is a PhD student under the supervision of Giuseppe Vicidomini in the Molecular Microscopy and Spectroscopy research line at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT, Genoa, Italy).
His research interests include the design, realization and characterization of optical bioimaging methods with a special focus on smart data analysis. He also has a crush for simulations and analytical models.


Title: Engineering Physics
Institute: KTH - Royal Institute of Technology
Location: Stockholm
Country: Sweden
From: 2017 To: 2019

Title: Ingegneria Fisica
Institute: Politecnico di Milano
Location: Milano
Country: Italy
From: 2014 To: 2017

All Publications
Bucci A., Held M. O., Bega L., Vicidomini G.
4D real-time Single-Particle Tracking with a laser-scanning microscope featuring a SPAD-array detector
FOM - Focus on Microscopy
Poster Conference
Bucci A., Tortarolo G., Held M.O., Bega L., Perego E., Castagnetti F., Bozzoni I., Slenders E., Vicidomini G.
4D Single-particle tracking with asynchronous read-out single-photon avalanche diode array detector
Nature Communications, vol. 15, (no. 1)
Bucci A., Patil S., Bega L., Held M.O., Slenders E., Vicidomini G.
The BrightEyes project: image scanning microscopy meets single-molecule tracking and imaging
SPIE BIOS, Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Superresolution Imaging XVII, vol. PC12849
Conference Paper Conference
Bucci A., Tortarolo G., Held M.O., Bega L., Perego E., Castagnetti F., Bozzoni I., Slenders E., Vicidomini G.
4D Single-Particle Tracking with Asynchronous Read-Out SPAD-Array Detector
Article E-print Archive
Alvelid J., Bucci A., Testa I.
Far Red-Shifted CdTe Quantum Dots for Multicolour Stimulated Emission Depletion Nanoscopy
ChemPhysChem, vol. 24, (no. 3)
Article Journal