IIT People Search

Virgilio Mattoli

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia

Virgilio Mattoli received his Laurea degree in chemistry (with honours) from the University of Pisa and the Diploma in Chemistry from the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa in 2000. In 2005 he received his PhD in bio-engineering (with honours) from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, with a thesis focused on the control and integration of miniaturized devices for environmental application. In summer 2004 he was visiting researcher at the University of Stanford, Center for Design Research, working on sensors and controls modules for biomimetic robotics applications. In 2005 and 2008 he was a short term visiting researcher at Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan) working on a bio-inspired mini-robot and on development of ultrathin freestanding polymeric films. From June 2008 to October 2009 he obtained a temporary position of Assistant Professor of bioengineer engineering at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (SSSA). From November 2009 to July 2015, he has been a Team Leader of the Smart Materials Platform in the Center for Micro-BioRobotics of the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT). In August 2015, he obtained a permanent position as Researcher Technologist at the same center (now Center for Materials Interfaces). His main research interests include: smart nano- and bio-inspired materials, micro/nano-fabrication, soft/tattoo electronics, sensors, and biorobotics. He is currently involved in several research projects on these topics, including the EU FET Project 5D NanoPrinting of which he is the coordinator. He is author or co-author of more than hundred fifty articles on international journals, of more than about thirty-five invited talks, and of several conferences communications/proceedings and deposited patents.

See details of recent research activities here.


Title: Master Degree in Chemistry
Institute: University of Pisa
Location: Pisa
Country: Italy
From: 1993 To: 2000

Title: Diploma in Chemistry
Institute: Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa
Location: Pisa
Country: Italy
From: 1993 To: 2000

Title: PHD in Bioengineering
Institute: Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa
Location: Pisa
Country: Italy
From: 2001 To: 2005

Experience External

Title: Researcher
Institute: Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa
Location: Pontedera (PI)
Country: Italy
From: 2008 To: 2009

Title: Research Assistant
Institute: Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa
Location: Pontedera (PI)
Country: Italy
From: 2005 To: 2008


Material Science



Top Publications
Viola F.A., Barsotti J., Melloni F., Lanzani G., Kim Y.-H., Mattoli V., Caironi M.
A sub-150-nanometre-thick and ultraconformable solution-processed all-organic transistor
Nature Communications, vol. 12, (no. 1)
Carlotti M., Mattoli V.
Functional Materials for Two-Photon Polymerization in Microfabrication
Small, vol. 15, (no. 40)
Tricinci O., Terencio T., Mazzolai B., Pugno N.M., Greco F., Mattoli V.
3D Micropatterned Surface Inspired by Salvinia molesta via Direct Laser Lithography
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, vol. 7, (no. 46), pp. 25560-25567
Taccola S., Greco F., Sinibaldi E., Mondini A., Mazzolai B., Mattoli V.
Toward a new generation of electrically controllable hygromorphic soft actuators
Advanced Materials, vol. 27, (no. 10), pp. 1668-1675
All Publications
Rosental T., Ottomaniello A., Mizrahi S., Menda N., Moshkovitz Douvdevany M.Y., Larush L., Savraeva D., Jarach N., Mattoli V., Magdassi S.
Additive manufacturing of transparent conductive indium tin oxide by sol-gel and multiphoton absorption polymerization
Additive Manufacturing, vol. 92
Article Journal
Nazarzadeh Zare E., Khorsandi D., Zarepour A., Yilmaz H., Agarwal T., Hooshmand S., Mohammadinejad R., Ozdemir F., Sahin O., Adiguzel S., Khan H., Zarrabi A., Sharifi E., Kumar A., Mostafavi E., Kouchehbaghi N.H., Mattoli V., Zhang F., Jucaud V., Najafabadi A.H., Khademhosseini A.
Biomedical applications of engineered heparin-based materials
Bioactive Materials, vol. 31, pp. 87-118
den Hoed F.M., Carlotti M., Palagi S., Raffa P., Mattoli V.
Evolution of the Microrobots: Stimuli-Responsive Materials and Additive Manufacturing Technologies Turn Small Structures into Microscale Robots
Micromachines, vol. 15, (no. 2)
Tricinci O., Pignatelli F., Mattoli V.
3D Micropatterned Functional Surface Inspired by Salvinia Molesta via Direct Laser Lithography for Air Retention and Drag Reduction
Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 33, (no. 39)
Article Journal
Ghomi M., Zare E.N., Alidadi H., Pourreza N., Sheini A., Rabiee N., Mattoli V., Chen X., Makvandi P.
A multifunctional bioresponsive and fluorescent active nanogel composite for breast cancer therapy and bioimaging
Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, vol. 6, (no. 1)
Article Journal
Mattoli V.
Robot "soffici" e materiali "intelligenti"
"Serate Scientifiche Lungarno con L'Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia", 1st July 2019, Pisa, Italy
Public Event
Mattoli V.
Robot "soffici" e materiali "intelligenti": per una tecnologia ispirata alla natura
“È LA SERA DEI MIRACOLI”, Itinerari notturni tra scienza e tecnologia. 24 January 2019, IIS ‘Cassata Gattapone", Gubbio (PG), Italy
Public Event
Mazzolai B., Beccai L., Mattoli V.
Tecnologie innovative di captazione dell'energia ventosa basate su nanogeneratori triboelettrici a foglia
Agrifiera, Pisa (Italy)
Public Event
Del Dottore E., Mattoli V.
Il Plantoid
Programma TV "I Fatti Vostri" Rai2
Mazzolai M., Beccai L., Mattoli V.
Il robot che si ispira alle piante
Assemblaggio e Meccatronica
Scientific Talks
Carlotti M., Cesini I., Mattoli V.
How I turned my kitchen in a lab during the pandemic and its (non-)icy outcomes
Chemistry for the Future International Conference
Mattoli V.
Nanometric-thin freestanding polymeric films for soft micro-electronic
Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference (TNT2022 nanoBalkan), Tirana, AL, October 03-07, 2022 (Keynote Talk)
Mattoli V.
Soft micro-electronics and plastic MEMS
Training event of SAMRT Project “Training Network on Soft, Self-responsive, Smart MAterials for RoboTs”, 29 August-01 September 2022, Pontedera (PI), Italy
School (Summer school, ...)
Mattoli V.
Soft micro-electronics: From 2D to 3D
2nd IIT – SSSA DAY connect the dots, Polo Sant’Anna Valdera – May 16-17, 2022
Mattoli V.
Soft Microelectronics, from ultrathin organic electronics to plastic MEMS
Seminar at CRANN, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. 11th March 2022
Oral presentations
Ottomaniello A., Vezio P., Tricinci O., Den Hoed F.M., Tredicucci A., Mattoli V.
Novel fabrication method for highly conformable THz metasurfaces
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 12433
Tricinci O., Carlotti M., Desii A., Meder F., Mattoli V.
Two-step MEMS microfabrication via 3D direct laser lithography
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 11696
Awards and Achievements
Mattoli V.
Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale - Settore concorsuale 09/G2 Bioingegneria - professore di I fascia
Meder F., Saar S., Taccola S., Mattoli V., Mazzolai B.
Back Cover image of issue 6(4), April (2021) of Advanced Materials Technologies
Minei P., Iasilli G., Ruggeri G., Mattoli V., Pucci A.
Front Cover image of of issue 9(1), January (2021) of Chemosensors MDPI
Mattoli V.
Inner Cover image of volume 47, July–August (2021) of Materials Today
Makvandi P., Jamaledin R., Chen G., Baghbantaraghdari Z., Nazarzadeh Zare E., di Natale C., Onesto V., Vecchione R., Tay F. R., Netti P., Mattoli V., Jaklenec A., Gu Z.
Inner Cover image of volume 47, July–August (2021) of Materials Today
Mattoli V.
Advanced Electronic Materials
Mattoli V.
AEJ - Alexandria Engineering Journal
Mattoli V.
Mattoli V.
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Mattoli V.