IIT People Search

Attilio Marino

Smart Bio-Interfaces
Research center

Attilio Marino is currently Researcher at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. Attilio Marino received his doctorate in Biorobotics (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, SSSA), grade 100/100 summa cum laude, with the project: “Nanoparticles and nanostructured surfaces as smart solutions for the modulation of cellular functions”. During his doctorate, he spent six months as a visiting Ph.D. student at the Waseda Bioscience Research Institute in Singapore (Wabios). Dr. Marino was then granted by Fondazione Umberto Veronesi the Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), Smart Bio-Interfaces group. Dr. Marino received the Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale qualification for the position of Associate Professor in Bioengineering (16/10/2018 - 16/10/2024) and Applied Physics (16/10/2018 - 16/10/2024).

His main research interests are in the fields of innovative nanomedicine, with a focus on the oncology field (i.e. superparamagnetic nanomedicines, near-infrared-absorbing nanotheranostics, and stimuli-responsive polymeric piezoelectric nanocarriers), tissue engineering (i.e., development of biomimetic in vitro devices for drug screening, microfluidic 3D blood-brain barrier models, and smart 3D co-culture self-assembly methods), biophysics, and biology in altered gravity conditions (with experiments on the International Space Station and collaborations with European and Italian Space Agencies).

Dr. Marino is the author or co-author of 72 ISI papers, 3 patents, 6 book chapters, and 17 proceedings. He serves as a Reviewer for more than 30 international journals and was selected as a reviewer for the evaluation of both ERC Starting Grant and Marie Skłodowska-Curie projects. He serves as Review Editor for Frontiers Bioengineering and Biotechnology. He delivered 9 invited talks and 12 other talks in international conferences, divulgation events and workshops. For his research activity, he was awarded several national and international prizes. Attilio Marino held seminars at the Biorobotics Institute of SSSA (aa.yy. 2019/2020), Polytechnic University of Turin (aa.yy. 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018, 2018/2019 coordinated by Prof. Gianluca Ciardelli and Prof. Gianni Ciofani), University of Genova (aa.yy. 2017/2018, coordinated by Prof. Roberto Raiteri), and at the University of Pisa "Neuroscience Methods" (2012/2013, 2013/2014, 2014/2015, coordinated by Prof. Mario Pellegrino). He supervised the activity of 8 M.Sc students and of 2 PhD students.

All Publications
Battaglini M., Carmignani A., Zinovie Ciobanu D., Marino A., Catalano F., Armirotti A., Ciofani G.
Detailed profiling of protein corona formed by polydopamine nanoparticles in human plasma
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
Article Journal
Marino A., Ceccarelli M.C., Ciofani G.
Brain-on-a-chip devices: Real-scale sensorized models
6th International Congress on Biosensors, pp. 11
Conference Paper Conference
Aparicio-Blanco J., Pucci C., De Pasquale D., Marino A., Debellis D., Ciofani G.
Development and characterization of lipid nanocapsules loaded with iron oxide nanoparticles for magnetic targeting to the blood–brain barrier
Drug Delivery and Translational Research
Article Journal
Carmignani A., Battaglini M., Marino A., Pignatelli F., Ciofani G.
Drug-Loaded Polydopamine Nanoparticles for Chemo/Photothermal Therapy against Colorectal Cancer Cells
ACS Applied Bio Materials, vol. 7, (no. 4), pp. 2205-2217
Sankaran S.T., Dallinger A., Bressi A.C., Marino A., Ciofani G., Szkudlarek A., Bilovol V., Sokolowski K., Kunert B., Hampel H.K., Gomez Bernal H., Greco F.
From corn starch to nanostructured magnetic laser-induced graphene nanocomposite
Genchi G., Marino A., Ciofani G.
Onde di energia per la stimolazione di nanomateriali intelligenti
Festival della Scienza, Genova (Italy) - [On line]
Public Event
Genchi G., Marino A., Ciofani G.
NANOROS: Tecnologie in orbita
Festival della Scienza, Genova (Italy)
Public Event
Scientific Talks
Marino A.
Self-assembled brain tumor-on-a-chip: Implementation, sensorization, and drug screening
6th International Congress on Biosensors, Konya (Turkey)
Marino A.
Smart stimuli-responsive nanoparticles in biomedicine
3rd IIT – SSSA Day
Marino A.
Stimuli-Responsive Nanomaterials for Glioblastoma Therapy: Advancing Magnetothermal Strategies
Workshop in Nanomedicine (ERA-Chair scientific event)
Marino A.
Innovative 3D microfluidic brain tumor-on-a-chip systems: design, characterization, and preliminary testing with chemotherapy drug-loaded nanocarriers
NanoBio&Med2022, Barcellona (Spain)
Tapeinos C., Tomatis F., Battaglini M., Larrañaga A., Marino A., Angelakeris M., Ciofani G.
Cell membrane-coated magnetic nanocubes for the treatment of glioblastoma
MaNaCa Workshop
Oral presentations
Marino A., Ziaja K., Ciofani G.
Self-assembled brain tumor-on-a-chip: Implementation, sensorization, and drug screening
6th International Congress on Biosensors, pp. 14
Marino A., Battaglini M., Tricinci O., Carmignani A., Ciofani G.
Advanced brain-on-a-chip platforms fabricated by two-photon lithography for drug screening applications: Investigations of drug delivery and target selectivity
33rd Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials, pp. P655
Marino A., Battaglini M., Desii A., Ciofani G.
Polyphenol rich extracts-loaded liposomes against neurodegenerative diseases
31st Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials, pp. 131-132
Awards and Achievements
Bargero A., Battaglini M., Curiale T., Carmignani A., Montorsi M., Labardi M., Pucci C., Marino A., Ciofani G.
Cover image of issue 5(2), February 2025, of Small Science
Ceccarelli M.C., Lefevre M.C., Marino A., Pignatelli F., Krukiewicz K., Battaglini M., Ciofani G.
Cover image of issue 22(24), November 2024, of Lab on a Chip
De Pasquale D., Marino A., Pucci C., Tricinci O., Filippeschi C., Fiaschi P., Sinibaldi E., Ciofani G.
Cover image of issue 6(9), September 2024, of Advanced Intelligent Systems
De Pasquale D., Pucci C., Desii A., Marino A., Debellis D., Leoncino L., Prato M., Moscato S., Amadio S., Fiaschi P., Prior A., Ciofani G.
Cover image of issue 12(19), July 2023, of Advanced Healthcare Materials
Marino A., Battaglini M., Carmignani A., Pignatelli F., De Pasquale D., Tricinci O., Ciofani G.
Cover image of issue 7(3), September 2023, of APL Bioengineering