IIT People Search

Roberta Bianco

Marie-Curie fellow
Neuroscience of Perception and Action
Research center

I’m a post-doctoral research fellow interested in music and neuroscience.

I investigate the neurobiological foundation of the remarkable human sensitivity to auditory structures, as those underlying music. Much of my work has focused on how humans learn and memorise structured patterns, and how these may guide and facilitate musicians' actions during music playing. Currently, I am investigating the evolutionary origin of musical patterns sensitivity and the neural mechanisms that support conserved abilities. My research combines behavioural, electrophysiological and neuroimaging methods.


Title: PhD (Cognitive Neuroscience)
Institute: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Location: Leipzig
Country: Germany
From: 2013 To: 2017

Title: BA (Medical Biotechnology)
Institute: Università degli Studi di Milano
Location: Milan
Country: Italy
From: 2005 To: 2008

Title: MSc (Neurobiology)
Institute: Università degli Studi di Pavia
Location: Pavia
Country: Italy
From: 2009 To: 2011

Title: BA (Music)
Institute: Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali F. Vittadini
Location: Pavia
Country: Italy
From: 2009 To: 2011

Experience External

Title: Research Associate
Institute: University College London
Location: London
Country: United Kingdom
From: 2017 To: 2021

Title: Visiting doctoral fellow
Institute: Concordia University
Location: Montreal
Country: Canada
From: 2016 To: 2017

All Publications
Hu M., Bianco R., Hidalgo A.R., Chait M.
Concurrent Encoding of Sequence Predictability and Event-Evoked Prediction Error in Unfolding Auditory Patterns
Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 44, (no. 14)
Bianco R., Zuk N.J., Bigand F., Quarta E., Grasso S., Arnese F., Ravignani A., Battaglia-Mayer A., Novembre G.
Neural encoding of musical expectations in a non-human primate
Current Biology, vol. 34, (no. 2), pp. 444-450.e5
Bigand F., Bianco R., Abalde S., Novembre G.
The geometry of interpersonal synchrony in human dance
Current Biology
Article Journal
Albury A.W., Bianco R., Gold B.P., Penhune V.B.
Context changes judgments of liking and predictability for melodies
Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 14
Bianco R., Hall E.T.R., Pearce M.T., Chait M.
Implicit auditory memory in older listeners: From encoding to 6-month retention
Current Research in Neurobiology, vol. 5
Bianco R.
Il cervello che predice i suoni futuri
The power of Music – 2nd edition, Teatro Kursaal Santalucia (Bari, Italy)
Public Event
Scientific Talks
Hamilton L., Bianco R., Gwilliams L., Boubenec Y., Norman-Haignere S., Di Liberto G., Lau B. K.
New Approaches and Technologies in Auditory Neuroscience
47th Annual ARO MidWinter Meeting
Bianco R., Chait M.
An online, reaction-time based, longitudinal study on long-term auditory memory
ARO - Association for Research in Otolaryngology
Bianco R., Zuk N., Bigand F., Quarta E., Grasso S., Arnese F., Battaglia-Mayer A., Novembre G.
Neural encoding of musical expectations in non-human primates
17th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition
Bianco R., Zuk N., Bigand F., Quarta E., Grasso S., Arnese F., Battaglia-Mayer A., Novembre G.
Neural encoding of musical expectations in non-human primates
Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop (RPPW)
Bianco R.
Neural encoding of music: phylogenetic and computational perspectives
Sissa (International School for Advanced Studies), Trieste
Awards and Achievements
Bianco R., Novembre G.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship: European
Bianco R.
ECR Bridging Grant
Bianco R.
Doctoral research visiting fellowship
Colleagues of Neuroscience of Perception and Action